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STM32H750VBT6 does not run without debugger


Having a problem with our custom board not running code unless it is started with the debugger. We are currently using Segger J-link debugger together with ARM Keil uVision version 5.29 toolchain.

Everything runs fine when I have debugger attached and click debug run but when the debugger is removed nothing happens. I have attached part of our circuit showing "B00T0" and "RST" pin.

Many thanks in advance.


Schematic seems fine.

How do you know it's not running? As opposed to just stuck in a loop somewhere not doing anything useful?

You can attach the debugger to a program already running to determine where it's at.

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Hi TDK thanks for the quick response. I am not sure I understand what you mean by "You can attach the debugger to a program ..." I am using Keil under Windows 10 and I can not seem to find an option to do what you are suggesting.

Currently to run the program I either click on the "Start/Stop Debug Session icon button or use Ctrl + F5 combo.


In CLion, I have the options "Download: None" and "Reset: None" when starting a debug session. These would attach to an already-running code. Keil has similar options, apparently:

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I had a similar problem yesterday but different STM32 and not Segger....

It may be that the debugger is reading a register that needs reading ?

My issue was really weird in that I had to have my debugger looking at the ADC1 peripheral which would read the Data Register and

reset the OVR bit. Long story but maybe something like that ?


Sorry for the late response and thanks for your reply and link, I think I have now been able to attach debugger to running code. Unfortunately it seem to go directly to the HardFault_Handler() function so I need to try and determine what was the reason why it end up there.

Hi Gudgel.boB,

Thanks for your reply. However I am not sure I understand what you are trying to describe. Thanks.