2023-08-23 8:58 AM
2023-08-23 9:06 AM
You've created at least 3 topics on this issue over the past few days. Perhaps follow through with those instead of reposting?
2023-08-23 9:37 AM
if i reply some question noone answer my reply,and i wait a few hours no one reply,but those Evangelists never answer a other day, for this reason i created ,if it not right I‘m sorry.
2023-08-23 11:16 AM
Its a forum, you're not paying for real-time support, people are situated all over the world, and have jobs. Opening new threads doesn't change the dynamics.
There seems like there's a very fundamental issue here, like the codes not running, or the boards damaged, or you're not looking at the right pins. Going to need to do some hands on debugging and sanity checking. Do you have a second board, or a colleague who can work with you directly?