2020-04-29 1:51 AM
I have tried to generate STM32H747I-DISCO's GPIO code.
After loading flash, it can be executed normally.
But after power on the MCU, the code can't be executed and the MCU can't be target with ST-link.
I must pull-up boot0 and erase flash before I can reconnect to the MCU.
What settings are I missing?
Library is STM32Cube FW_H7 V1.7.0.
I only set PI12(M4) and PI15(M7) as GPIO output.
Set CPU1 as 480M and CPU2 as 240M.
Add code in while loop as below:
Because M4 Load device issue, so I have add the Flash Download setting.
2020-04-29 3:15 AM
If it locks you out check LDO/SMPS settings, debug interface related settings, and interfering with PA13, PA14 and PB3 pins.
2020-04-29 7:46 AM
This same thing happens with 100pin Stm32H750 and I think with STM32F746 too. I tried several flash loaders, one usually works. Like STM32 ST-LINK Utility and Cubeprogrammer. I can't connect with Keil to H750. First Reset pull up and then LDO settings helped.