2020-02-02 3:28 AM
The reference manual explains how I can select between adc_hclk and adc_ker_ck_input as the clock for the ADC but I can't find what the source is for adc_hclk. It is one of the AHB or APB peripheral clocks but which one? Nowhere in the manual can I find what the allocation of the ADC is to the peripheral bus and hence the clock. The RCC section doesn't mention adc_hclk at all and the system architecture section doesn't show the allocation of the ADC
2020-02-02 3:59 AM
Yes this should be said explicitly in the RCC chapter or the interconnections chapter of RM.
I'd assume adc_hclk is the clock of the AHB bus to which the given ADC is attached to; this based on the diagram where adc_hclk is the clock driving the AHB interface of the given ADC.