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STM32H743 DMA have some bug when I using lastest HAL lib

Associate II
  1. We check stm32h7xx_hal_spi.c, and Surprise that the lastest HAL Lib still not support HAL_SPI_DMAStop() and HAL_SPI_DMAResume().
  2. It is very important. We found DMA_SxCR's EN bit out of control in some time.  We use DMA to send and receive spi data. It is very fast. And We found EN bit can't be changed, even in keil debug window. It lead to HAL_DMA_Abort () HAL_TIMEOUT.

After test we suspect it must be AXI Bus conflict cause to this bug. Maybe CPU and DMA are want to access same SDRAM at the same time. It never occur after we change DMA access address to SRAM2. It is severe bug.

I want to know it is a bug cause EN bit out of control or any other problem cause to it.

If any one have any idea, tell me please.


 > EN bit can't be changed

Was there any DMA error status flash set for this stream before this happened?

Isn't there anything related in the errata?


Unfortunately, We not found any error status when it happened. DMA_LISR and DMA_HISR seem ok. 

Try asking ST directly through web support form.