2024-08-19 5:11 AM
Good day everyone,
I am currently implementing an update process and I am facing some issues if I want to erase the internal flash memory sector if my code is running from an external OSPI-Flash. I am getting the errors:
I have not activated any readout-protection or anything. The only option Byte I have set is the write protection for the Flash Sector 1/2 (Depends on which one got updated last) But this error I am facing is related to the sector 3-7.
The same piece of code runs totaly fine if I am executing it from the internal flash memory, but due to memory constraints I have to use the external OSPI-Flash.
Attached you can find the output which exposes all option byte settings and the error code I have mentioned. And here the code snipped of the flash class:
#include "Flash.hpp" #include #include "Bootloader/Utilities.hpp" namespace HAL { namespace Implementation { namespace LLDriver { static void debugOutput(void) { FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef optionByteConfig; optionByteConfig.Banks = FLASH_BANK_1; HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetConfig(&optionByteConfig); Bootloader::Utilities::print("------------OPTION-BYTE-SETTINGS------------"); Bootloader::Utilities::print("OptionType: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.OptionType); Bootloader::Utilities::print("WRPState: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.WRPState); Bootloader::Utilities::print("WRPSector: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.WRPSector); Bootloader::Utilities::print("RDPLevel: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.RDPLevel); Bootloader::Utilities::print("BORLevel: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.BORLevel); Bootloader::Utilities::print("USERType: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.USERType); Bootloader::Utilities::print("USERConfig: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.USERConfig); Bootloader::Utilities::print("Banks: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.Banks); Bootloader::Utilities::print("PCROPConfig: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.PCROPConfig); Bootloader::Utilities::print("PCROPStartAddr: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.PCROPStartAddr); Bootloader::Utilities::print("PCROPEndAddr: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.PCROPEndAddr); Bootloader::Utilities::print("BootConfig: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.BootConfig); Bootloader::Utilities::print("BootAddr0: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.BootAddr0); Bootloader::Utilities::print("BootAddr1: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.BootAddr1); Bootloader::Utilities::print("SecureAreaConfig: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.SecureAreaConfig); Bootloader::Utilities::print("SecureAreaStartAddr: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.SecureAreaStartAddr); Bootloader::Utilities::print("SecureAreaEndAddr: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.SecureAreaEndAddr); Bootloader::Utilities::print("SharedRamConfig: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.SharedRamConfig); Bootloader::Utilities::print("FreqBoostState: 0x%X", optionByteConfig.FreqBoostState); if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() != 0) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("------------HAL_FLASH_GetError------------"); Bootloader::Utilities::print("Error Code: 0x%x", HAL_FLASH_GetError()); if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_WRP_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Write Protection Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGS_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Program Sequence Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_STRB_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Strobe Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_INC_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Inconsistency Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_OPE_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Operation Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_RDP_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Read Protection Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_RDS_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Read Secured Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_SNECC_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("ECC Single Correction Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_DBECC_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("ECC Double Detection Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_CRCRD_BANK1) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("CRC Read Error on Bank 1"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_WRP_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Write Protection Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGS_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Program Sequence Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_STRB_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Strobe Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_INC_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Inconsistency Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_OPE_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Operation Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_RDP_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Read Protection Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_RDS_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Read Secured Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_SNECC_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("SNECC Error on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_DBECC_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("Double Detection ECC on Bank 2"); } if (HAL_FLASH_GetError() & HAL_FLASH_ERROR_CRCRD_BANK2) { Bootloader::Utilities::print("CRC Read Error on Bank 2"); } } } static uint32_t toSector(uint32_t address) { if (address == 0x8000000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_0; } else if (address == 0x8020000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_1; } else if (address == 0x8040000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_2; } else if (address == 0x8060000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_3; } else if (address == 0x8080000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_4; } else if (address == 0x80A0000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_5; } else if (address == 0x80C0000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_6; } else if (address == 0x80E0000UL) { return FLASH_SECTOR_7; } else { Bootloader::Utilities::Error_Handler( Bootloader::Utilities::ErrorCodes::HAL_ERROR); return FLASH_SECTOR_0; } } static uint8_t getByte(const std::vector &bytes, uint32_t offset, uint32_t _offset) { if ((offset + _offset) < bytes.size()) { return bytes.at(offset + _offset); } return 0xFF; } static uint64_t toFlashWord(const std::vector &bytes, uint32_t offset) { uint64_t retval; uint64_t byte0{getByte(bytes, offset, 0)}; uint64_t byte1{getByte(bytes, offset, 1)}; uint64_t byte2{getByte(bytes, offset, 2)}; uint64_t byte3{getByte(bytes, offset, 3)}; uint64_t byte4{getByte(bytes, offset, 4)}; uint64_t byte5{getByte(bytes, offset, 5)}; uint64_t byte6{getByte(bytes, offset, 6)}; uint64_t byte7{getByte(bytes, offset, 7)}; retval = (uint64_t)byte0 | (uint64_t)(byte1 << 8) | (uint64_t)(byte2 << 16) | (uint64_t)(byte3 << 24) | (uint64_t)(byte4 << 32) | (uint64_t)(byte5 << 40) | (uint64_t)(byte6 << 48) | (uint64_t)(byte7 << 56); return retval; } class FlashLock { public: /** * @brief Construct a new Flash object * */ FlashLock() { __disable_irq(); SCB_DisableICache(); if (HAL_FLASH_Unlock() != HAL_OK) { Bootloader::Utilities::Error_Handler( Bootloader::Utilities::ErrorCodes::HAL_ERROR); } } /** * @brief Destroy the Flash object * */ ~FlashLock() { __enable_irq(); /*lint -e1551 C functions which do not throw any exceptions*/ SCB_EnableICache(); if (HAL_FLASH_Lock() != HAL_OK) { Bootloader::Utilities::Error_Handler( Bootloader::Utilities::ErrorCodes::HAL_ERROR); } /*lint +e1551*/ } /** * @brief Delete the copy and assignment constructors * */ FlashLock(const FlashLock &) = delete; /** * @brief Delete the copy and assignment constructors * */ FlashLock(FlashLock &&) = delete; /** * @brief Delete the copy and assignment constructors * */ FlashLock &operator=(const FlashLock &) = delete; /** * @brief Delete the copy and assignment constructors * */ FlashLock &operator=(FlashLock &&) = delete; }; void Flash::write(uint32_t address, const std::vector &data) { static constexpr size_t FLASH_WORD_ALIGNMENT{32}; size_t loopCounter{data.size() / FLASH_WORD_ALIGNMENT}; if (data.size() % FLASH_WORD_ALIGNMENT) { loopCounter++; } uint32_t offset{0}; for (size_t x = 0; x < loopCounter; x++) { uint64_t FlashWord[4] = {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF}; FlashWord[0] = toFlashWord(data, offset); FlashWord[1] = toFlashWord(data, 8 + offset); FlashWord[2] = toFlashWord(data, 16 + offset); FlashWord[3] = toFlashWord(data, 24 + offset); #ifdef DEBUG_OUTPUT_ENABLE const uint32_t *ptr = reinterpret_cast(&FlashWord[0]); Bootloader::Utilities::print( "1) 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x ", ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3], ptr[4], ptr[5], ptr[6], ptr[7]); ptr = reinterpret_cast(data.data() + offset); Bootloader::Utilities::print( "2) 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x 0X%08x ", ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3], ptr[4], ptr[5], ptr[6], ptr[7]); #endif offset += FLASH_WORD_ALIGNMENT; FlashLock flashLock; if (HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_FLASHWORD, address, ((uint32_t)FlashWord)) != HAL_OK) { Bootloader::Utilities::Error_Handler( Bootloader::Utilities::ErrorCodes::HAL_ERROR); } address = address + FLASH_WORD_ALIGNMENT; } } std::vector Flash::read(uint32_t address, uint32_t numberOfBytes) { std::vector retval; retval.reserve(numberOfBytes); const uint8_t *flashPointer{reinterpret_cast(address)}; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < numberOfBytes; x++) { retval.push_back(*flashPointer); flashPointer++; } return retval; } void Flash::erase(uint32_t address) { FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef eraseInitStruct; uint32_t sectorError; eraseInitStruct.TypeErase = FLASH_TYPEERASE_SECTORS; eraseInitStruct.Banks = FLASH_BANK_1; eraseInitStruct.Sector = toSector(address); eraseInitStruct.NbSectors = 1; eraseInitStruct.VoltageRange = FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3; FlashLock flashLock; auto status{HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&eraseInitStruct, §orError)}; if (sectorError != 0xFFFFFFFF || status != HAL_OK) { Bootloader::Utilities::print( "SEC_AREA_END 0x%X", (FLASH->SCAR_CUR1 & FLASH_SCAR_SEC_AREA_END) >> 16); Bootloader::Utilities::print( "SEC_AREA_START 0x%X", (FLASH->SCAR_CUR1 & FLASH_SCAR_SEC_AREA_START)); Bootloader::Utilities::print("Status: %d", status); Bootloader::Utilities::print("sectorError: %d", sectorError); debugOutput(); Bootloader::Utilities::Error_Handler( Bootloader::Utilities::ErrorCodes::HAL_ERROR); } } uint32_t Flash::getFlashSectorSize(void) const { static constexpr uint32_t INTERNAL_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE{0x20000}; return INTERNAL_FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE; } } // namespace LLDriver } // namespace Implementation } // namespace HAL
Any help is highly appreciated as I am running out of ideas to find the root-cause or a work-arround.
Kind regards
2024-08-21 7:11 AM
Hello @sschneider,
Are you enabling the secure access mode? Is SECURITY bit in FLASH_OPTSR_CUR register set to1?
May be RM0468 section can help you to find the issue.
Thank you.
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