2018-11-19 02:24 AM
Hello, I am working on developing board where STM32H7 will talk via SRAM interface to FPGA and i hit the problem.
I use IAR ARM and H743I-EVAL SRAM example, and guess what, if i make simple loop with just single write to SRAM like this, I only get 500kHz Toggle frequency of chip select, even I write minimum numbers to FMC timings. (and 60ns long CS_LOW)
*(uint16_t *) (0x68000000) = i++;
Do i missing something ? STM32F4 could do nearly 50MHz with software access, and 8 times faster (2 times by clock) H7 could only do 500kHz ?????
Also, my code does not run if i don't use this code from example, i don't see any register settings inside FMC controller, but my code if i don't run this code doe not toggle CS pin, whats going on ? HALL status are just status for other programs, maybe DMA or interrupts, but not to hardware itself , right ? Or i missing something. ( i use same address as example)
* @brief Writes 16-bit buffer to SRAM memory.
* @param hsram: pointer to a SRAM_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for SRAM module.
* @param pAddress: Pointer to write start address
* @param pSrcBuffer: Pointer to source buffer to write
* @param BufferSize: Size of the buffer to write to memory
* @retval HAL status
HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_SRAM_Write_16b(SRAM_HandleTypeDef *hsram, uint32_t *pAddress, uint16_t *pSrcBuffer, uint32_t BufferSize)
__IO uint16_t * psramaddress = (uint16_t *)pAddress;
/* Check the SRAM controller state */
if(hsram->State == HAL_SRAM_STATE_PROTECTED)
return HAL_ERROR;
/* Process Locked */
/* Update the SRAM controller state */
hsram->State = HAL_SRAM_STATE_BUSY;
/* Write data to memory */
for(; BufferSize != 0; BufferSize--)
*(__IO uint16_t *)psramaddress = *pSrcBuffer;
/* Update the SRAM controller state */
hsram->State = HAL_SRAM_STATE_READY;
/* Process unlocked */
return HAL_OK;
I like to work on SPL libraries, where stuff just work, with HALL, I get constant problems...
2018-11-19 05:15 AM
Make sure that it is not buffering or caching which might decimate or fold the repetitive write.
2018-11-20 09:02 PM
Disabling CPU I/D Cash does help a tiny bit, but still no where near >10MHz transfer rates...
Any more ideas ?
2018-11-23 05:52 AM
Hm, bad news, even GPIO toggle with direct register writing is only generating 16.6MHz, while with STM32F4 i was getting over 50MHz. ( maximum optimization, no other code, just
while (1)
This is due to different CPU with I/D caches or what ?
2018-11-27 03:00 AM
Ok, so this is not that simple, Cortex H7 is cashing data so i need to use MPU.
But even with MPU enabled for non cashing mode for this memory reagon, i still geting only 12.8MT/s while STM32F4 could do >50MT/s