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STM32F767ZI could not remapped to internal SRAM

Associate II

Hi folks, I have tried to run my complete program out of internal SRAM to speed up the IRQs

but if I come to svc 0 it fails

20005ee0:   ldr     r0, [pc, #32]   ; (0x20005f04)
20005ee2:   ldr     r0, [r0, #0]
20005ee4:   ldr     r0, [r0, #0]
20005ee6:   msr     MSP, r0
20005eea:   mov.w   r0, #0
20005eee:   msr     CONTROL, r0
20005ef2:   cpsie   i
20005ef4:   cpsie   f
20005ef6:   dsb     sy
20005efa:   isb     sy
20005efe:   svc     0
20005f00:   nop     
20005f02:   movs    r0, r0
20005f04:   stc     0, cr14, [r8, #-0]
693       	__asm volatile

What I did successfully:

  • setting up my openocd for RAM by eclipse with some additional init commands
monitor reset halt
monitor mww 0x40023c08 0x08192a3b
monitor mww 0x40023c08 0x4c5d6e7f
monitor mww 0x40023c18 0x80008000
monitor mdw 0x40023c14
monitor mwb 0x40023c14 0xFE
  •  new SRAM linker file
  • startup assembler without copy FLASH to RAM
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ Reset_Handler:
 /* Copy the data segment initializers from flash to SRAM */  
   movs  r1, #0
+  ldr  r2, =_sbss
+  b  LoopFillZerobss
   b  LoopCopyDataInit
  • erase complete FLASH to avoid any valid vector tables
  • set CORTEX M7 vectortable to SRAM @ 0x20000000
------------------------- Src/system_stm32f7xx.c ----------------------------
index 1a362bd..66b7420 100644
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 /*!< Uncomment the following line if you need to relocate your vector Table in
      Internal SRAM. */
-/* #define VECT_TAB_SRAM */
+#define VECT_TAB_SRAM
 #define VECT_TAB_OFFSET  0x00 /*!< Vector Table base offset field. 
                                    This value must be a multiple of 0x200. */

And then I want to remap the SYSCFG memory remap register (SYSCFG_MEMRMP)

but there is no option to do at STM32F7xxxx :pouting_face:



Why setting the Vector Table Offset Register is not enough and I have to remap hardware?

Why the SRAM remap option of STM32F4xxxx (see RM401 7.2.1) was removed at STM32F7xxx ?

Alle the core 210MHz speed is lost by 7 wait states for flash because on push and pop of IRQ the ITCM has to fetch twice the I-Cache with 7 wait states.

Looks like the STM32F7xxx is not an IRQ performer without any external RAM

Any ideas how to use this VIDEO RAM to execute IRQ handlers?


ITCMRAM is AT ZERO, you don't need to remap it. Both ITCM and DTCM RAM should permit instruction reads

The SCB->VTOR pointing to zero should point to the ITCMRAM, and functionality should be demonstrable.

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