2018-03-21 1:00 AM
I have tried to use SWV on DISCO-Board STM32F746 with Firmware V2J30M19. It does not work. But it works with Firmware V2J29M18.
On Nucleo STM32F746 SWV work with both Firmware versions.
Is this a common problem?
2018-03-26 6:22 AM
I have to correct myself
. The same problem exists on Nucleo Board.2018-03-28 10:50 AM
I confirm there is a regression on firmware V2J30M19 regarding the SWV feature. Unfortunately it is also present in the version V2J30M20 which was just published today. We rework the plan for the V2J30M21 delivery in order to provide a fix for that. Until then, please stay with V2J30M18 if wanting to use the SWV.
Sorry for the trouble
2018-03-28 2:00 PM
Any thoughts on why the SWV is unworkable on the H7?
2018-03-29 11:37 AM
The SWV configuration differs on the STM32H7 compared to previous STM32s (different addresses, additional funnel to configure, different clock tree ...). We are in contact with people working on TrueStudio in order to help solving the issue.