2022-08-09 1:32 AM
Im currently working on getting the CAN ISRs running for STM32F723, ive followed the instructions in the CAN driver and have had the CAN running in Polling Mode.
The ISR is configured and enabled and the notification is configured for new message received FIFO0 but the ISR never runs, ive tried using the code for RXBuffer0 New Message and neither works.
The CAN bus is functional however, ive split the RX into two messages and ive been polling it as well just to prove that the peripheral isnt in an error state and this is fully functional. TX is still being polled and it works fine.
Ive also had issues getting the timer interrupt working on this micro when ive been trying to get our scheduler running. Ive since hinged it off the systick timer. So i must be missing something somewhere :(
Any advice welcomed.
2022-08-09 11:01 AM
> The ISR is configured and enabled and the notification is configured for new message received FIFO0
Need more information. Post your code that configures/enables the interrupts. Perhaps even post the actual register contents after you've enabled IRQs (NVIC, CAN, etc.).
2022-08-09 12:38 PM
Mark sure no loader, or other code running on the part, has run _disable_irq()
Check the Vector Table address is registered correctly in SCB->VTOR (per SystemInit)
That the interrupt handler links/binds properly, watch for C++/.CPP name mangling, ie use extern "C" around things call from C or Assembler.
That NVIC and peripheral interrupt sources are correctly configured.