2019-04-09 8:02 AM
SAI1B DMA2 stream 5 and 0 conflict with SDMMC2 stream 0 and 5 ????
I need to record data to and playback from SDMMC2 with DMA to and from SAI1B.
SDMMC2 uses both stream 0 and stream 5.
The peripherals are on different channels.
can write my own IRQHandlers to resolve the conflict or can there only be one peripheral per stream on DMA1 and DMA2 ?
I have managed to move some USART and SPI to DMA1 to free up some streams but this conflict leaves me stuck!
Would much appreciate any guidance.
2019-04-09 8:22 AM
One channel selectable per stream. Single device active at a time.
You could perhaps use a mutex to arbitrate ownership of the stream, but it is not a task I would envy, nor one I would be sure the outcome would work satisfactorily. ie I think it could be demonstrated to be able to be shared, but the sharing may not be sufficiently cooperative to be deemed successful in the final application.
2019-04-09 8:54 AM
maybe I can assign the same DMA stream to different devices and init / deInit them
when actually using them. for instance I guess I don't need to write to the SD card while I'm reading from it.
maybe just use an if statement in the IRQhandler ?
if ( A == 1) {do one task}
else { do something other task}