2018-06-12 3:41 AM
Hi all,
I have a board using the STM32F765, which uses the QSPI interface to fetch data from an FPGA. The normal sequence of operation is:
The problem I'm seeing is that, just occasionally, the QSPI chip select goes active after all the data has been read from the FPGA. The next time the QSPI interface is used, its status register indicates that it's busy and has a full FIFO, as if a read operation has been started, but no DMA has been set up to actually put the results somewhere.
I've spent the last day or so using a scope and some GPIO signals to determine what is happening when, and here's where it gets really interesting. I now know that the spurious QSPI activation is not caused by the code which intentionally initiates QSPI reads. Instead, three conditions must be met in order to cause it:
The SysTick handler is very simple; usually it just sets a few flags and increments some counters, and occasionally it generates some debug output (though this has no effect on whether the spurious QSPI event is triggered). Nevertheless, QSPI CS goes low within a few nanoseconds of the handler exiting.
If I turn the data cache off, then all is well and there are no spurious QSPI events.
If I leave it on while data is being fetched from the FPGA, but turn it off while processing, then that's OK too.
Calling SCB_CleanInvalidateDCache() at the end of the SysTick handler makes no difference.
Putting the data from the FPGA into DTCM RAM does fix the symptoms, but I don't know why.
My ISR normally leaves the QSPI interface enabled. If I turn QSPI off by writing 0 to the control register once it's finished with, then this does prevent spurious QSPI transactions from occurring - but since I don't know why they're occurring in the first place, I can't be sure there isn't something else bad also happening for the same reason.
I never get a spurious QSPI event when the main loop is sitting waiting for new data to arrive; only while it's actually working on that data. This is actually quite a short window of time; if I turn off hardware floating point support, which makes the processing take longer, then spurious QSPI events can occur within a wider time window after each block is received.
So, I have a few workarounds for the spurious QSPI events: turn off the data cache (at least while the data is being processed), move the data into DTCM, or turn off the QSPI interface when it's not being used. None of these really explain the problem, though they do make the symptom go away.
My best guess is that exiting the SysTick handler while the cache contains data from SRAM1 is causing a number of cache operations to occur, and one of these is writing to QUADSPI->AR, or triggering the QSPI interface in some other way.
It *almost* feels like some obscure erratum, ie. 'QSPI interface can be triggered by data cache operations on return from interrupts', but I'd rather fix my code than blame it on something that's 'clearly' a hardware bug that nobody else seems to have noticed!
Any suggestions please, experts?
2019-01-30 1:13 PM
I tried exactly that and it fixes my issue. However, tons of things seemed to fix it like putting random NOP's in various places in the code only to discover that next week it no longer worked with some other unrelated code change, so I'd really like to hear from an ST employee that this is without a doubt the problem and that this is the correct work-around.
2019-01-30 1:22 PM
Yeah, I noticed that too. I noticed that if I kept the code as similar as possible, while changing just one thing, the problem tended to keep happening. So, when this happened some time ago, rather than edit my source code and have the compiler/linker make functions of different sizes and move code around (which, as you observed, can hide the problem), I chose to get hold of a binary that showed the problem and then experiment by editing the binary directly to patch in and out instructions, thus avoiding perturbing register allocation, function addresses, etc.. That seemed to keep the presence or absence of the problem pretty stable; when I get around to it, my experiment will be done the same way, and if it does appear to fix the problem, then I will be reasonably confident.
Hearing from ST is definitely ideal; however, I think the experiment I ran proves that this is a problem (namely, reads from 0x90000000 definitely do zero AR with memory mapped mode disabled). It might not be the only problem, and it might not be the particular problem that’s causing trouble for you, but it is a problem.
2019-02-01 6:47 AM
Please refer to the reply I provided on https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X0000AAINJCSQ5/help-with-odd-stm32f765bi-qspi-behavior-were-seeing-what-looks-like-an-extra-or-spurious-read-transaction.
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