2017-10-10 8:24 AM
I'm looking to use the FMC in Synchronous PSRAM 16-bit mode, and need to run CLKDIV of 3 (or 4). The reference manual (RM0410) waveforms seem to show only a setting of CLKDIV=2. In figure 50/51, CLK is shown toggling every rising HCLK edge. How does it behave when CLKDIV=3?
For example, in figure 50, NADV is low for 2 HCLKs, or 1 CLK period, and AD[15:0] is valid for 2 HCLKS before, and 1 HCLK after NADV rising edge. How does it behave when CLKDIV=3?
#stm32f7 #fmc #clkdiv2017-10-10 9:05 AM
The reference manual (RM0410) waveforms seem to show only a setting of CLKDIV=2.
IMO they show setting of CLKDIV=1:
2017-10-10 10:37 AM
This was on STM32F407 and not and 'F7, but I believe it will be similar.
2017-10-10 1:47 PM
JW - Yes, I meant HSECLK/2 (CLKDIV=1). Your waveforms are helpful, thanks.
Do you know the NADV relationship in a CLKDIV=2 (HSECLK/3) scenario? Figure 50 shows 3 HSECLK cycles from NADV falling edge to the start of DATLAT.
2017-10-10 3:54 PM
Sorry, no. I understand that the FMC chapter in RM is severely lacking in the details.
I'd recommend you to take a Nucleo board, and 'dry' configure it for the required FMC mode and take the waveforms (I don't have a F7 Nucleo at hand, and the Discos are limited by the existing on-board circuitry - nor have I the time :-()
Other option is to contact ST through FAE or the web support form.