2015-09-29 1:32 PM
I've tried compiling the included ticker example with the STemWin_HelloWorld project included in STM32CubeF7. Functionally, it works OK but the draws seem to be corrupted.
Take a look at the video I've uploaded onto YouTube:I suspect it as something to do with the configuration of the memory but I cannot be sure. This was compiled using SW4STM32. #stm32f72015-09-30 2:07 PM
2015-09-30 5:05 PM
had exactly the same issue running the same with sw4stm32 a few days ago but I couldn't get to the bottom of it. Also if the STemWin helloworld app is run Ok but when you add a window or widget things get very messy (GUI builder used, substituting the output with the demo code as suggested). didn't have much luck with the other demo's that are pointed to in the readme either from emWin. Transplanting into the helloworld app often ends in a mess of a display.
Trying to integrate StemWin into a CubeMx project but having followed the instruction best as possible, still struggling and a black display :( Would have been great to have STemWin as a middleware selection in CubeMX to make life easy there.2015-10-01 1:26 PM
in file GUIConf.c comment out line 67 // U32 aMemory[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4]; change void GUI_X_Config(void) { // // Assign memory to STemWin // static U32 *aMemory; aMemory=(U32*)0xc0000000;//as GUI's RAM buffer GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory(aMemory, GUI_NUMBYTES); }2015-10-01 1:29 PM
Did the trick!
Just commented out the line:
Thank you Falko!
2015-12-10 3:42 AM
Sam, is it possible to obtain your demo-project / source files for Cube & STM32F7 ?