2016-05-19 12:42 AM
I have successfully connected and run the CAN2 interface on this board.
Now,I'm trying to connect the CAN1 but I can not find the corresponding port pins on the board. I've been reading the pds but there is no information on the CAN1 interface. Only the CAN2 which is set up through the EXT connector.
I have configured the CAN1 to be on PA11->RX and PA12->TX.Does anyone know which are these ports on the actual board? Thanks in advance. #stm32f469 #bxcan2016-05-19 2:43 AM
Hi nk,
As mentioned in the user manual's schematic of the STM32F469I-Disco , the PA11 and PA12 pin are used for USB peripheral connections. You have other alternative pins dedicated for CAN1 alternate function which are ( as mentioned in table 10 ''pin and ball definitions in the ) : Rx/Tx: (PI9, PH13) or (PB8, PB9) pins -Hannibal-2016-05-19 3:21 AM
Thanks Hannibal, I will try those. But in general, the port assignment is quite unclear, especially in relation to F407Discovery.
As I've seen the PB8 is in CN5->D15 and PB9 is in CN5->D14.I hope this does not mess up the other peripherals that I'm using.Thanks again.2016-05-19 4:40 AM
You also an other alternative : (PD0, PD1). Yes, you should manage the used peripherals' pins in you project in way that you avoid concurrency. -Hannibal-2016-05-19 9:00 AM
But in general, the port assignment is quite unclear, especially in relation to F407Discovery.
The board User Manual, and the part Data Sheet, do provide a sufficiently complete breakdown of the available pins, ports, and functionality. The peripherals are covered in the Reference Manual.2016-05-19 11:35 PM
Hi Clive,
yes indeed they do. But as I've mentioned in my statement: ''in relation to F407'' that I've been previously working on. Where the ports and pins are corresponding to the onboard labels.Thanks again for the help!