2018-12-12 1:34 PM
Hi everyone,
I am trying to get USART3 running on my STM32F429I-DISCO board. USART3 is configured with the following configurations:
I have tried a lot of different configurations. In every configuration I have tried so far, PD8 outputs only a 1.6V signal. The receiver expects a 3.3V signal.
What might cause the "low" voltage at PD8?
Kind regards,
2018-12-12 2:55 PM
High load from external circuitry, bad solder joint.
Make sure the onboard SDRAM does not drive its data lines.
2018-12-12 3:03 PM
Manual says the pin is used by the SDRAM, so two things driving in different states.
2018-12-13 9:05 AM
Thank you!!!
I am not using the SDRAM and it is not initialized. I have generated the code with STM32CubeMX only with the USART configuration.
How can I get it working with 3.3V?
2018-12-13 10:03 AM
You might not be using it, but you're still dragging the boat anchor.
Desolder the unused SDRAM, or lift the specific pin.