2018-05-15 03:48 AM
Hello everyone,
I try to use WM_MOTION_SetMovement function at STemWin, and I use external interrupt, but when ı use external interrupt code is not work. please help me.
this code :
WM_MOTION_SetMovement(hMotion, GUI_COORD_X, 500, 100);
GUI_Delay(500); // _Delay(500 *2); WM_DeleteWindow(hMotion); WM_DeleteWindow(hDraw);2018-05-15 06:13 AM
,It may be related to your
external interrupt configuration.
Have you enabled the CRC modulebefore initializing the GUI?
Please, provide more details on your code and configuration, this will help users to answer you.
Best Regards,
2018-05-15 08:23 AM
Thank you for answered. I try STM32F429 example for GUI. just ı added a button interrupt.
2018-05-17 03:42 AM
Hello Imen,
I try examples of ST in STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.19.0. I operated STemWin_SampleDemo example. I want to control with interrupt to motion pprocess. But when I use interrupt, this example works wrong.
2018-05-17 04:17 AM
,I recommend you to debug your project and try to identify where is it sticking.
When debugging, are there any error flag set?
With Regards,
2018-05-17 04:31 AM
Actualy project is work but there is delay, and it is not fluent
2018-05-18 03:47 AM
Hello Imen,
I want to a rect in STemWin. This rect is not change never. it is not affected GUI_Delay. How can I do ?
2018-05-24 01:03 AM
Hello Imen,
This project is not work true. Please could you help me ? When ı use CAN_Receive interrup or another interru
this functions (WM_DeleteWindow(hMotion);WM_DeleteWindow(hDraw);) are not work. what can I do for this ?
2018-06-01 07:50 AM
Have you tried to use GUI_Exec()?
Would it possible to share your code to help you more.
With Regards,
2018-06-01 02:52 PM
Function GUI_Exec() is used to update the window.