2018-05-15 03:48 AM
Hello everyone,
I try to use WM_MOTION_SetMovement function at STemWin, and I use external interrupt, but when ı use external interrupt code is not work. please help me.
this code :
WM_MOTION_SetMovement(hMotion, GUI_COORD_X, 500, 100);
GUI_Delay(500); // _Delay(500 *2); WM_DeleteWindow(hMotion); WM_DeleteWindow(hDraw);2018-06-04 08:14 AM
Yes , ı did. this problem is solved. But ı have another question. I want to use two layer. but GUI_SelectLayer(1) is work but then I dont use other layer.
I think I need to configure this code. but How ? please help me ?
void LCD_X_Config(void)
{ uint32_t i; LCD_LL_Init(); /* At first initialize use of multiple buffers on demand */&sharpif (NUM_BUFFERS > 1) for (i = 0; i < GUI_NUM_LAYERS; i++) { GUI_MULTIBUF_ConfigEx(i, NUM_BUFFERS); }&sharpendif/* Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer */
GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER_0, COLOR_CONVERSION_0, 0, 0); /* Set size of 1st layer */ if (LCD_GetSwapXYEx(0)) { LCD_SetSizeEx (0, YSIZE_PHYS, XSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS, XSIZE_PHYS); } else { LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS); } &sharpif (GUI_NUM_LAYERS > 1) /* Set display driver and color conversion for 2nd layer */ GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER_1, COLOR_CONVERSION_1, 0, 1); /* Set size of 2nd layer */ if (LCD_GetSwapXYEx(1)) { LCD_SetSizeEx (1, YSIZE_PHYS, XSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(1, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS, XSIZE_PHYS); } else { LCD_SetSizeEx (1, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(1, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS); }&sharpendif /*Initialize GUI Layer structure */ layer_prop[0].address = LCD_LAYER0_FRAME_BUFFER;&sharpif (GUI_NUM_LAYERS > 1) layer_prop[1].address = LCD_LAYER1_FRAME_BUFFER; &sharpendif /* Setting up VRam address and custom functions for CopyBuffer-, CopyRect- and FillRect operations */ for (i = 0; i < GUI_NUM_LAYERS; i++) { layer_prop[i].pColorConvAPI = (LCD_API_COLOR_CONV *)apColorConvAPI[i]; layer_prop[i].pending_buffer = -1; /* Set VRAM address */ LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(i, (void *)(layer_prop[i].address)); /* Remember color depth for further operations */ layer_prop[i].BytesPerPixel = LCD_GetBitsPerPixelEx(i) >> 3; /* Set custom functions for several operations */ LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYBUFFER, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_CopyBuffer); LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYRECT, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_CopyRect); /* Filling via DMA2D does only work with 16bpp or more */ if (LCD_LL_GetPixelformat(i) <= LTDC_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB4444) { LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_FILLRECT, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_FillRect); LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_8BPP, (void(*)(void))BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap8bpp); } /* Set up drawing routine for 16bpp bitmap using DMA2D */ if (LCD_LL_GetPixelformat(i) == LTDC_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565) { LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_16BPP, (void(*)(void))BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap16bpp); /* Set up drawing routine for 16bpp bitmap using DMA2D. Makes only sense with RGB565 */ } /* Set up custom color conversion using DMA2D, works only for direct color modes because of missing LUT for DMA2D destination */ GUICC_M1555I_SetCustColorConv(Color2IndexBulk_M1555IDMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M1555IDMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for ARGB1555 */ GUICC_M565_SetCustColorConv (Color2IndexBulk_M565DMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M565DMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for RGB565 */ GUICC_M4444I_SetCustColorConv(Color2IndexBulk_M4444IDMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M4444IDMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for ARGB4444 */ GUICC_M888_SetCustColorConv (Color2IndexBulk_M888DMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M888DMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for RGB888 */ GUICC_M8888I_SetCustColorConv(Color2IndexBulk_M8888IDMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M8888IDMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for ARGB8888 */ /* Set up custom alpha blending function using DMA2D */ GUI_SetFuncAlphaBlending(DMA2D_AlphaBlending); /* Set up custom alpha blending function using DMA2D */ /* Set up custom function for translating a bitmap palette into index values. Required to load a bitmap palette into DMA2D CLUT in case of a 8bpp indexed bitmap */ GUI_SetFuncGetpPalConvTable(_LCD_GetpPalConvTable); /* Set up a custom function for mixing up single colors using DMA2D */ GUI_SetFuncMixColors(DMA2D_MixColors); /* Set up a custom function for mixing up arrays of colors using DMA2D */ GUI_SetFuncMixColorsBulk(LCD_MixColorsBulk); }}2018-06-04 08:14 AM
Thank you for answered. This problem is solved.
2018-06-04 08:15 AM
void LCD_X_Config(void)
{ uint32_t i; LCD_LL_Init(); /* At first initialize use of multiple buffers on demand */&sharpif (NUM_BUFFERS > 1) for (i = 0; i < GUI_NUM_LAYERS; i++) { GUI_MULTIBUF_ConfigEx(i, NUM_BUFFERS); }&sharpendif/* Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer */
GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER_0, COLOR_CONVERSION_0, 0, 0); /* Set size of 1st layer */ if (LCD_GetSwapXYEx(0)) { LCD_SetSizeEx (0, YSIZE_PHYS, XSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS, XSIZE_PHYS); } else { LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS); } &sharpif (GUI_NUM_LAYERS > 1) /* Set display driver and color conversion for 2nd layer */ GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER_1, COLOR_CONVERSION_1, 0, 1); /* Set size of 2nd layer */ if (LCD_GetSwapXYEx(1)) { LCD_SetSizeEx (1, YSIZE_PHYS, XSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(1, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS, XSIZE_PHYS); } else { LCD_SetSizeEx (1, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS); LCD_SetVSizeEx(1, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS); }&sharpendif /*Initialize GUI Layer structure */ layer_prop[0].address = LCD_LAYER0_FRAME_BUFFER;&sharpif (GUI_NUM_LAYERS > 1) layer_prop[1].address = LCD_LAYER1_FRAME_BUFFER; &sharpendif /* Setting up VRam address and custom functions for CopyBuffer-, CopyRect- and FillRect operations */ for (i = 0; i < GUI_NUM_LAYERS; i++) { layer_prop[i].pColorConvAPI = (LCD_API_COLOR_CONV *)apColorConvAPI[i]; layer_prop[i].pending_buffer = -1; /* Set VRAM address */ LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(i, (void *)(layer_prop[i].address)); /* Remember color depth for further operations */ layer_prop[i].BytesPerPixel = LCD_GetBitsPerPixelEx(i) >> 3; /* Set custom functions for several operations */ LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYBUFFER, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_CopyBuffer); LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYRECT, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_CopyRect); /* Filling via DMA2D does only work with 16bpp or more */ if (LCD_LL_GetPixelformat(i) <= LTDC_PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB4444) { LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_FILLRECT, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_FillRect); LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_8BPP, (void(*)(void))BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap8bpp); } /* Set up drawing routine for 16bpp bitmap using DMA2D */ if (LCD_LL_GetPixelformat(i) == LTDC_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565) { LCD_SetDevFunc(i, LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_16BPP, (void(*)(void))BSP_LCD_DrawBitmap16bpp); /* Set up drawing routine for 16bpp bitmap using DMA2D. Makes only sense with RGB565 */ } /* Set up custom color conversion using DMA2D, works only for direct color modes because of missing LUT for DMA2D destination */ GUICC_M1555I_SetCustColorConv(Color2IndexBulk_M1555IDMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M1555IDMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for ARGB1555 */ GUICC_M565_SetCustColorConv (Color2IndexBulk_M565DMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M565DMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for RGB565 */ GUICC_M4444I_SetCustColorConv(Color2IndexBulk_M4444IDMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M4444IDMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for ARGB4444 */ GUICC_M888_SetCustColorConv (Color2IndexBulk_M888DMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M888DMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for RGB888 */ GUICC_M8888I_SetCustColorConv(Color2IndexBulk_M8888IDMA2D, Index2ColorBulk_M8888IDMA2D); /* Set up custom bulk color conversion using DMA2D for ARGB8888 */ /* Set up custom alpha blending function using DMA2D */ GUI_SetFuncAlphaBlending(DMA2D_AlphaBlending); /* Set up custom alpha blending function using DMA2D */ /* Set up custom function for translating a bitmap palette into index values. Required to load a bitmap palette into DMA2D CLUT in case of a 8bpp indexed bitmap */ GUI_SetFuncGetpPalConvTable(_LCD_GetpPalConvTable); /* Set up a custom function for mixing up single colors using DMA2D */ GUI_SetFuncMixColors(DMA2D_MixColors); /* Set up a custom function for mixing up arrays of colors using DMA2D */ GUI_SetFuncMixColorsBulk(LCD_MixColorsBulk); }}2018-06-04 10:19 AM
Please, show the whole project in the attached file
2018-06-05 12:38 AM
actually ı need to setLCD_X_Config function in LCDConf_stm32f429i_disco_MB1c
2018-06-05 12:38 AM
But, I don't