2019-08-29 4:15 PM
First of all, the essence of my problem is already described here - https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkiXu/spi-dma-data-corruption?t=1567119350874
In my case bug happens randomly and not very often. It could be one corrupted transaction among hundreds-thousands.
For example, how it is should work:
First byte always is 0xAA.
Here is an example of corruption:
You can see that CLK signal has already started, but data on MOSI is delayed by 5 bits (not constant, can be 4, 3...).
My code: https://pastebin.com/X3CfdH4q
And settings: https://pastebin.com/GKWTC1QH
2019-08-30 12:03 AM
Read out and check or post content of SPI registers.
2019-08-30 3:29 AM
I have checked content before this calls:
DMA_Cmd(dma_rx_stream, ENABLE);
DMA_Cmd(dma_tx_stream, ENABLE);
And after end of transaction (DMA_IT_TCIF2 bit is set).
Data in DR register "after" - 0xE1.
Content of RX memory buffer (should be AA 48 11 89 ..... FF FF FF FF):
How entire transaction looks:
The beginning of it (in this case I send all 0xFF bytes):
And the end:
2019-08-30 2:52 PM
Looks OK.
Does the transfer *before* the "failed" one exhibit any irregularity, e.g. incorrect/incomplete last byte transferred, or any outstanding clocks?
2019-08-31 5:15 PM
It seemed that you misunderstood me (or I don't understand you now).
There is no "before" and "after" transfers.
It is one transfer, I just read out SPI regs before DMA request and after end of the transfer (just in case).
Content of registers looks fine to me too.
2019-08-31 11:47 PM
> There is no "before" and "after" transfers.
You reset the whole mcu between transfers?
You've been talking about hundreds-thousands transactions. I don't believe you've performed hundreds-thousands system resets and observed single transfers between them.
2019-09-01 12:24 PM
When using DMA on SPI, you need to be careful in the timing and events. If here we are talking about SPI Master, my advice are:
If some of these points are not covered, dig more in your code, or try modify the source accordingly.
2019-09-05 1:06 PM
Yes, you are right. I didn't reset mcu.
The last transfer before corrupted one was fine, so as next after it.
2019-09-05 1:19 PM
Yes, in my case mcu works as master.
2019-09-05 5:24 PM
> The last transfer before corrupted one was fine,
How do you know? Post scope/LA pictures.