2020-10-19 3:18 AM
I am new to coding. I brought new stm32f407 discovery board. Intially their is no issue with debugging for target. But now ld1 ld2 are continuously glowing and ld3 ld4 ld5 ld6 are not glowing when i connect the board for pc and when a usb is connect to cn5, it is not recognised as mouse on the screen.. what is the issue?? I am unable to understand
2020-10-19 5:47 AM
LD3 ... LD6 are controlled by the STM32F407, which requires a program to drive pins PD12...PD15 to high level if you want the LEDs to light up.
What program is currently running at the controller?
2020-10-19 6:05 AM
The processor will only do what your code facilitates. If you replaced the delivered code with something that does very little, it will do very little..
2020-10-19 6:34 AM
In the board manual, in getting started section It is mentioned connect board to pc by usb cable then mems sensor is enabled and the four leds get glowed as per the board motion direction and speed and by connecting usb to CN5 then board acts as mouse.. these functionalties happend well for 2 days with using of board. But now these functions are not happening just com led and pwr led or glowing continuously ..is there any issue
2020-10-19 6:43 AM
Did you replace or erase the code on the board?
Perhaps get a meter or scope and check voltages if you think there is a hardware issue.
2020-10-19 6:48 AM
Reset button is also not functioning completly.. where can i get the code of the board to redump and start refunctioning..
2020-10-19 7:38 AM
When i tried to debug a code with board as target i am able to debug the code, but the problem is reset button not functioning
2020-10-19 7:55 AM
The original demo firmware can be found here.