2013-04-29 9:43 AM
Hello everyone,
I'm writing to ask if anyone could provide a valid link to the STM32F37x/STM32F0x I2C Timing Configuration Tool which application note AN4235 refers to. I've looked everywhere I know of on the site and I haven't been able to locate it anywhere. The application note states:'The configuration tool is implemented in the Microsoft Excel �I2C_Timing_Config_Tool_Vx.y.z.xls� file which can be downloaded from www.st.com.'; The application note is located on the main page for the part: http://www.st.com/web/catalog/mmc/FM141/SC1169/SS1576/LN10/PF252209♯ This is ordinarily where I would expect to also find the related .xls file, but for the life of me I'm not finding it there, or anywhere else I've managed to look. Many thanks in advance for any time or efforts which can help me find this tool. #amazing-google-skills #stm32f37x #cpal-i2c-stm32f02013-04-29 9:49 AM
2013-04-29 9:56 AM
Thanks so much clive1!
I promise I'm as embarrassed about this as it warranted. edit: I'm noticing now that It is listed for the stm32f0x series part, but not for the stm32f37x that I was looking at it for specifically. I should have checked both. Thanks again!2019-01-08 5:24 PM
Hi Clive,
About this I2C tool,
Will it work with STM32L0XX series ?
2019-01-08 5:41 PM
I don't know, it's not a tool I use.
I tend to read the RM and then build a fitter/solver tool based on the clocking/gearing described.
2019-12-04 1:21 AM
How to use it with OpenOffice?
There's an error in the macro.