2018-08-21 8:13 AM
I use a STM32F103 as a receiver and an Arduino Uno as a transmitter.
I continuously read FIFO_STATUS and STATUS registers. Before I turn transmitter on, everything is okay. Registers tell me that there is no data in RX FIFO. Once I turn the transmitter device on RX_DR bit in STATUS register is set high and FIFO_STATUS register says that there is data in RX FIFO and FIFO is full. Although I execute Flush command, nothing changes.
FIFO_STATUS register still says that there is data in FIFO and FIFO is full.
void Flush_RX()
HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)COMD_FLUSH_RX,1, 150);
while( (HAL_SPI_GetState(&hspi1) != HAL_SPI_STATE_READY) ){}
I have got a similar problem with READ_RX_PAYLOAD command. When IRQ pin goes low and RX_DR bit is set high, I execute the command but what I read is the content of STATUS register. I cannot read data that has been sent from TX.
void ReadPayload()
csn_low(); //CSN=0
HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)COMD_R_RX_PAYLOAD, &received_data, 1,150);
while(HAL_SPI_GetState(&hspi1) != HAL_SPI_STATE_READY);
CDC_Transmit_FS(&received_data,1); // print the received data out
csn_high(); // CSN=1
Then I made some changes on code.
I send READ_RX_PAYLOAD command through SPI and then send NOP command. This time I receive 0x00.
I've just checked R_RX_PL_WID command and there is the same situation.
I want to ask one more question. Below the command list section in datasheet, it says "When accessing multi-byte registers read or write to the MSBit of LSByte first."
The word for FLUSH_RX is 1110 0010 that is 0xE2. When I send this command through spi, should I send just 0xE2 or in reverse order (0x2E).
I can write to registers and read registers very well. There is no problem.
I am confused.
Any suggestion, help, guidance will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
2022-09-04 7:56 PM
better late than never I have the same problem just now
if you are sure the SPI configuration is working well then you should note that you need a delay of at least 2ns before setting the CS pin high again.
mentioned in the datasheet section 8.3.2 SPI timing