2019-03-28 2:51 AM
Trying to send over USART1 at 19200 bit/s.
USART is resting in receive mode (RE==1, TE==0).
After switching to transmit mode (TE:=1, RE:=0), we observe a ~500 us delay between storing and transmitting of first character. Subsequent chars are transmitted without delay.
Watch commented line // USART1->TDR = c; in first picture. No TDR, no Delays
2019-03-28 3:37 AM
2019-03-28 4:43 AM
Thank you for clarification.
Seems idle frame is sent only if a character (the first character) is to be sent, not right after enabling transmitter (TE:=1). Nethertheless, we should not disable transmitter...