2014-06-02 2:22 AM
In this device(STM32F030K6), CLK & DIO signals for SWD are in portA (PA13&PA14). But unknowingly I have changed the default settings of portA(PA13-dio, PA14-clk) and flashed the program. so I want to erase the flash memory through USART after make BOOT0=1 & BOOT1=0(for access system memory).
I got to know about Flash loader demonstrator in order to erase my flash data. But it is showing the following error message, ''No response from the target, the boot loader cannot be started.'' Though I have made BOOT=1, it is showing the same error. Help me how to solve this issue soon? #stm32-usart-flash-boot-loader2014-06-02 4:27 AM
How is your USART connected up to the PC? Diagram.
Using a serial terminal app like Real Term, set COM port to 9600 8E1 (8-bit data, EVEN Parity, 1-stop), send hex 0x7F, and observe if you get an 0x79 response. You should only need to get BOOT0 High to get into the System Loader in most situations.2014-06-02 4:39 AM
In datasheet, they said that PA9 & PA10 pins should be applicable for reprogram the Flash memory by using USART. But for those 2 pins, USART config are in alternate functions ( default setting is for GPIO). Will it work if i connect Tx Rx to those 2pins.2014-06-02 7:12 AM
The System Loader software should configure the pins in to a useable fashion, so they won't be in reset conditions at the chip level.
I don't have my STM32F0308-DISCO board to hand right now, but I think that might be workable. Also from System Loader mode (BOOT0=High, then CPU Reset), should also permit reprogramming or erasure via the SWD interface.2014-06-02 10:04 PM
Let me tell my hardware connections. -I have used Max3232 driver (for TTL to RS232 conversion) between controller and PC. -And also i have made BOOT0 high. -Then with Flash load demonstrator software, am getting the same error message, ''No response from the target, the boot loader cannot be started.'' Tell me, is it possible to use Hyper terminal for serial communication?2014-06-03 7:07 AM
Tell me, is it possible to use Hyper terminal for serial communication?
Well it's not going to be very helpful talking to the System Loader, at leasthttp://realterm.sourceforge.net/
can send/receive hex data streams. I've also built my own Windows apps to talk to the System Loader in it's documented protocol. If your own loader supports X/Y-Modem then a terminal app that supports that would be more useful. But I still likehttps://www.clearconnex.com/content/clearterminal
over HyperTerminal