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USB_CoreReset Hangs on STM32H7S3L8 and STM32H753ZI Boards


Hello everyone!

I am encountering an issue where USB_CoreReset hangs on both the STM32H7S3L8 and STM32H753ZI boards when configuring the USB_OTG_HS port.

I understand that this issue has been reported previously, and I have thoroughly reviewed most of the related posts over the past week. However, I have not found a solution that works for my case.

Configuration Details:

MacOS Sequoia 15.3.1 (Run IOC using: sudo /Applications/

STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.17.0

STM32H7S3L8 Board

  • USB_OTG_HS enabled in Device mode
  • USB_HS_REGEN (USB Regulator) enabled
  • USB OTG HS interrupt enabled
  • Clock configuration:
    • HSE = 24 MHz
    • 60 MHz clock provided to USB_OTG_HS
  • RCC settings:
    • 'CRS SYNC' set to USB_HS
  • NVIC settings:
    • Global interrupt for USB enabled
  • USB_DEVICE enabled with Communication Device Class (CDC)

STM32H753ZI Board (NUCLEO-STM32H753ZI)

  • Configuration is the same as above, except that USB Regulator not enabled (not an option in IOC) 

Issue Description:

  • When running in debug mode, the code gets stuck in CoreReset, which is called from USB_CoreInit.
  • This behavior is consistent across both boards. 

Things I Have Tried

  1. Checking __HAL_RCC_SYSCFG_CLK_ENABLE(); in HAL_MspInit();

    • STM32H753ZI: Already initialized.
    • STM32H7S3L8: Not present; adding it results in "undefined" error.
  2. Reinstalling STM32CubeIDE

  3. Starting from a fresh workspace

  4. Commenting out __HAL_RCC_USB2_OTG_FS_ULPI_CLK_ENABLE(); in USBD_conf.c

    • STM32H7S3L8: This line does not exist in USBD_conf.c.
    • STM32H753ZI: Commented it out, but it did not resolve the issue


What could be causing USB_CoreReset to hang, and what steps can I take to debug or resolve this issue?

I have attached my IOC files for both boards for reference (STM32H7S3L8 is USB_init and STM32H753ZI is USB_initialization) Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!