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STM32CubeMX v4.14.0 bug - NVIC fixed priority (0,0)

Associate II
Posted on May 19, 2016 at 23:09

In linux STM32CubeMX v4.14.0 doesn't allow NVIC priority changing.

Under the Configuration tab / NVIC Settings after enabling an interrupt the Priority and Sub Priority fields are still read-only and fixed at 0,0 so all the generated code has all the interrupts at the same priority.
Posted on May 20, 2016 at 12:16

Hello Emil,

When freeRTOS is enabled, the priority group is defined with 4 bits for pre-emption and 0 bits for sub-priority. 

When freeRTOS is disabled, you can work with sub-priority 15, but in this case you need to change the priority group to be able to choose sub priority > 0.

You can refer to this

, section (4.12.5 NVIC Configuration window) for more details.


Associate II
Posted on May 21, 2016 at 00:30

Let me better exemplify what I've meant: Say you use the SPI1 peripheral, then when you click on the SPI1 button in Configuration under NVIC tab you can enable/disable the interrupt but you cannot change priority and sub-priority although those fields are displayed and I don't think this is the intended behaviour.

Now if you click the NVIC button instead then you have a list of all the enabled interrupts and you can edit there the priorities for all your peripherals.