2015-04-15 8:33 AM
Generated Code does not initialize all pins correctly, some should be set to open drain highspeed, this has to be done manually. Without this only 1bit mode works correctly 4bit gets stuck. We use a 2GByte uSDcard. Regards Werner2015-04-15 9:04 AM
Hi Werner,
Could you post your modifications? I was screwing around with this code on a '407 for far too long before I gave up.Andrei (not from ST)2015-04-15 11:10 PM
Cube MX sets SDIO pins in GPIO Settings to ''Nopull-up and no pull-down'' and Max Output Speed to ''Low''. they have to be changed to ''Pull-up'' and Max Output Speed ''High''.
We thought that Cube should apply GPIO Settings automatically to these working conditions.2015-04-29 8:03 AM
Hello, this shall be fixed within 4.8 release.
Best regards.