2018-08-21 3:20 AM
Since the last update of STM32CubeMX 4.26.1, I can't open my project file anymore.
Right after clicking on the 'open' button, the software freezes and one of the processor cores stays at 100%. The only available action, then, is to close the application.
As I can't download an older version of STM32CubeMX, I am out of options.
I attached the project file in question to this post.
Thanks in advance for your help.
2018-08-21 4:15 AM
java -jar "c:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\STM32CubeMX.exe"
from the commandline might give some hints.
2018-08-21 5:38 AM
2018-08-21 7:51 AM
I found the bug !!!
Here the steps to produce it :
java -jar "c:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\STM32CubeMX.exe"
The bug appear.
2018-08-23 7:02 AM
Hello @Community member ,
The seen behavior is now reported internally for check.
We will answer you ASAP.
2018-08-27 3:26 AM
Hello @Community member ,
Thanks for your effort to debug the problem.
Effectively there is ADC issue , it will be resolved in next CubeMX release 4.27.0 scheduled next week (W36).
2018-09-03 1:53 AM
Thanks in advance for resolve the bug.
Can you give the possibility to the user of the software to download the previous version ?
Because, since 2 weeks, I am stuck, and now I need to wait additionnal 2 weeks.
My boss don't understand this situation.
Currently, when a new version of STM32CubeMX come, the software download and install the new version.
But, if the new version have a bug, it is impossible to roll back to the previous version. It is also impossible to download anywhere the previous version. Why ?
The simple way is give the possibility to download the previous version of the software like this :
Current version :
CubeMX release 4.27.0
Previous version :
CubeMX release 4.26.1
With this solution, a user can continue to work before a solution can be found by your team.
2019-05-15 12:22 PM
I am having the same issue with CubeMX 5.2.0: when I am trying to open a project saved with earlier version of CubeMX it freezes.
2019-05-16 12:52 AM
Hi @Community member @Community member ,
can you tell me the old project is created by any version of CubeMX?
Also which MCU family your are using (H7, F4, ...)?
2019-05-16 7:40 AM
The project was created using CubeMX 4.27.0. The MCU is STM32L475RCT.
I eventually found a solution after posting yesterday.
I downloaded intermediate version 5.1.0, which was able to open the project, then saved project in that version of CubeMX.
Then, version 5.2.0 was finally able to open the re-saved project.