2017-04-21 11:49 AM
Hi all!
The Clock Configuration GUI shows a weird behavior: I'm not able to put a valid input frequency for HSE (or LSE).
For example I want to setup the input frequency to 8 MHz:
Development environment:
Best regards,
2017-04-21 12:27 PM
short test: downgrading version until GUI is working
STM32CubeMx version
GUI is working4.20.1
2017-04-27 3:47 AM
,I'm not able to reproduce your issue.
Could you please create a new project using CubeMX V4.1 and check if the issue persist.Khouloud.
2017-04-27 2:56 PM
Hi Khouloud,
I've reinstalled version V4.20.1 and can confirm that the problem still exists
create new project
enable High Speed Clock
Default clock setting shown good as expected
but as soon I change the default value the GUI shows wrong values
clock values entered in Hz (e.g. 10000000) are temporarily accepted as 10 MHz but as soon as I change the focus (activate another element) the entered value becomes invalid.
Same for my Nucleo STM32F411RE ...
2017-05-03 1:12 AM
Hello katzenberger.michael,
I would like to thank you for your feedback, and indeed, such behaviour has been observed using eclipse plugin.This does not happen using CubeMX in standalone mode.We are looking why cube comportment is different when launching from Eclipse.KR
Sirma2017-08-11 3:25 AM
Hello, I have exactly same experiences. In actual version of Eclipse plug-in (4.22.0) still nothing has changed to better. Please, will it ever be resolved ?
Thanks and have a nice day,
2017-08-21 9:27 AM
,We are currently redesigning CubeMX integration into Eclipse. As this is a significant amount of work, it is quite difficult to give an availability date right now.
Kind regards
2018-02-21 3:43 PM
In version 4.24.0 this issue is still not solved. Is there not date yet defined to be resolved?
2018-02-21 6:23 PM
. Show them that you're not affected, that you don't care, praise those issues:)
2018-03-27 3:42 AM
Hello, had the same issue but found a workaround:
the gui erroneously validates the frequency input dividing it by 100000 and rewriting the divided value to the textbox: this is the bug.
you don't have to press enter
once the crystal frequency is entered (in Hz) into the textbox, butsimply move the focus to another component on the page (a prescaler combo, a radio button, whatever else).