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STM32CubeIDE causes hardfault only debugging

Associate II


If I run debug, I always got hardfault.

Here is source codes that cause hardfault.


flight_data.imu0_accel = imu0.getRawAccel();
  		flight_data.imu0_gyro = imu0.getRawGyro();
  		flight_data.imu1_accel = imu1.getRawAccel();
  		flight_data.imu1_gyro = imu1.getRawGyro();
  		for(uint8_t i=0;i<3;i++){
  			flight_data.accel[i] = (int16_t)((flight_data.imu0_accel[i] + flight_data.imu1_accel[i]) / 2.0f);
  			flight_data.gyro[i] = (int16_t)((flight_data.imu0_gyro[i] + flight_data.imu1_gyro[i]) / 2.0f);
  				flight_data.imu0_accel[0], flight_data.imu1_accel[0], flight_data.accel[0],
				flight_data.imu0_accel[1], flight_data.imu1_accel[1], flight_data.accel[1],
				flight_data.imu0_accel[2], flight_data.imu1_accel[2], flight_data.accel[2]);


Everything is alright except for hardfault. I got hardfault when I read struct data that I defined like this


		int16_t *imu0_accel;
		int16_t *imu0_gyro;
		int16_t *imu1_accel;
		int16_t *imu1_gyro;
		int16_t accel[3];
		int16_t gyro[3];
		float attitude[3] = {0};
		float position[2] = {0};
		float velocity = 0;
		float altitude = 0;


There are no problems get data from I2C sensors.(I'm using HAL_I2C_Mem_Read)

I'm using J-Link Base probe for debugging and download.

But when I press "Run" button on the top panel, no hardfault.

What's the problem?

ST Employee

Hello @CorgiCorgi and welcome to the community.

Not obvious to tell what is the problem is based on the information you provided.

Need also to provide the MCU part number and debug yourself the behavior. This article may help you:

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Sorry for unclear explain.

My problem is "Reading struct data cause hardfault only in debug running"

When I got data and save it from sensor through I2C interface, there's no problems.

My MCU is STM32H503RBT6.


This code cause hardfault

flight_data.accel[i] = (int16_t)((flight_data.imu0_accel[i] + flight_data.imu1_accel[i]) / 2.0f);
  			flight_data.gyro[i] = (int16_t)((flight_data.imu0_gyro[i] + flight_data.imu1_gyro[i]) / 2.0f);
Associate III


I faced a rather similar issue and discovered that some elements was not properly initialized.

The debugger initialzes things it needs to do its job, and some things may be initialized in a different way when debugging.


Thank you for reply.


How can I initialize the struct?


It is initialized like this 

struct FLIGHT_DATA flight_data;


is it not a proper initialization?

The only thing to care about in the struct is the access to the pointers. You need to be sure that these pointers are not NULL when you read from them:

		int16_t *imu0_accel;
		int16_t *imu0_gyro;
		int16_t *imu1_accel;
		int16_t *imu1_gyro;


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I got it from sensors that connected through I2C.

I'm using HAL_I2C_Mem_Read to get raw data from sensors.


Here is functions that the struct members takes.

int16_t *ICM42670::getRawAccel(){
	static int16_t output[3] = {0};
	uint8_t regAddr = ICM42670_ACCEL_DATA_X1, recv[6] = {0};
	uint16_t error = 0;
	while(HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&config.i2c, config.addr, 10, config.timeout) != HAL_OK){};
	error = HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&config.i2c, config.addr, regAddr, 1, recv, 6, config.timeout);
	if(error != HAL_OK){
		return 0;
	while(HAL_I2C_GetState(&config.i2c) != HAL_I2C_STATE_READY){};
	for(uint8_t i=0;i<3;i++){
		output[i] = (recv[2*i] << 8) | recv[2*i + 1];
	return output;


and this is setting structure for sensor

struct ICM42670_CONFIG{
		I2C_HandleTypeDef i2c;
        uint8_t addr;
        uint32_t timeout = 10000;
        uint8_t accel_range;
        uint8_t accel_rate;
        uint8_t accel_lpf;
        uint8_t gyro_range;
        uint8_t gyro_rate;
        uint8_t gyro_lpf;

 And member is access to this as follow :

flight_data.imu0_accel = imu0.getRawAccel();

As I said, need to debug it:

As we don't have your environment, it's impossible to debug it.. So need to do it yourself and follow what was described in the article.

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2 - Please be polite in your reply. Otherwise, it will be reported as inappropriate and you will be permanently blacklisted from my help.

@CorgiCorgi wrote:

How can I initialize the struct?

That is just a C language question:


@CorgiCorgi wrote:

It is initialized like this 


struct FLIGHT_DATA flight_data;


is it not a proper initialization?

That is just a declaration/definition - it has no initialisation at all.

Actually, there's no problems when I use this style on nRF52 series.

The weirdest thing is that it works fine when I execute it in running mode.


The problem is only occured in dubgging mode.