2018-01-24 12:37 AM
im lost! im trying to create usb cdc in STM32F405RG
the only thing im doing is to configure usb_fs as device and the usb class as a communication device class than i generate a code in STM32CUBEMx when using STM32L4 board the usb recognized as a CDC in the pc but regarding the STM32F405RG i get unknown usb device in the device manager.
this problem happening in every STM32F4 board i used. it is like that STM32CUBEMX not working proparly.
can someone help me? thaks a lot!
2018-01-24 4:30 AM
Did you try disabling VBUS detection in the USB configuration?
2018-01-24 5:40 AM
The vbus already disabled
2018-05-08 3:02 AM
,I recommend you to increase heap and stack sizes in the STM32CubeMx setting.
Best Regards,