2018-03-26 8:29 PM
void function(void) {
int cubemode;
void function(void) {
int iexpect;
#indent2020-04-01 8:13 AM
BTW: Does anybody knows, where to find the template files of CubeIDE in order to edit them using the Powershell way mentioned above?
2020-07-19 11:41 PM
Here is my instructions, worked well for me,
# find your STM32CubeMX.jar, make backup if necessary
find /opt/st/stm32cubeide STM32CubeMX.jar
# copy to temporary directory
cp STM32CubeMX.jar /tmp/test
# download Java Jar explorer and decompiler
# use recaf to navigate to com/st/microxplorer/codegenerator/CodeEngine.class
search for replace("#t", " "), right click to the containing function "cleanCode", find for string " ", change to " "
# save the new jar file by File > Export Program
# close recaf, double check by reopen new jar file and confirm #t is now 4 spaces.
# restore new STM32CubeMX.jar to the original location
2020-07-22 9:28 PM
Check out my pre-patched cubemx here:
2022-08-25 1:18 PM
Found it. In Windows > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors
Check "Insert spaces for tabs"
2023-04-19 2:27 AM
Hey, ST, any way to add a simple option in CubeMX to toggle that?