2015-07-09 10:48 AM
I just received two STM3210C-eval boards, which I am using to prototype ECU software. I'm trying to get the CAN demo software in STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0 to work. The LoopBack demo works at 500kbps, but both DualCAN and Networking send messages (or at least, the codepath that sends messages gets hit) and never receive messages. My cable works fine, and I assume the boards are working. I've fitted the JP5 and JP6, and still no communication. Can someone describe setting up a board for the DualCAN demo?
#can #stm32 #example #code2015-07-09 1:04 PM
Kind of an old board, not sure you're going to be overwhelmed with responses.
The readme.txt usually provides sufficiently specific information to use the demos. For the DualCAN, you should only need a single board, and the CAN1 and CAN2 are looped externally between their connectors.2015-07-10 9:29 AM
Thanks for the reply! Yes, I've followed the instructions in the readme, for both DualCAN and Networking. Have you run the demo? I have two boards and the odds of them both being broken is very low, so I assume I've missed some setup step, but I can't figure out what that might be.
2015-07-10 9:36 AM
I don't have any STM3210C-EVAL boards.
I've externally looped CAN buses on RedDragon407 board and posted code for that.2015-07-14 2:44 PM
Solved, so I'll post my solution for the sake of others who may have this problem. The DB9 cable works (tested with an oscilloscope) but for some reason it was the issue. I created my own cable by getting two female DB9 connectors and soldered wires between pins 2,5, and 7 (between the connectors) and everything works. I have no idea why the cable didn't.