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STM32F746xx possible silicon bug

Associate II
Posted on July 14, 2015 at 21:51

I'm doing my IDENTIFICATION library for F4 and F7 lines.

Both datasheets say that location, where FLASH SIZE in kBytes is stored is on 0x1FFF7A22.

Ok, reading on STM32F439-Eval gives me 2048 which is OK, because this is 2MB, reading on F429-Discovery has the same result = OK,

but reading from this address on F746-Discovery gives me 0xFFFF. It looks like this section was not programmed or there is mistake in datasheet.

Can someone approve this?

#bug #stm32f7 #silicon #possible
Posted on July 14, 2015 at 22:20

This works for me

printf(''STM32 %d KB FLASH, %d KB RAM, %08X-%08X-%08X UNIQUE

*((unsigned short *)0x1FF0F442),
*((unsigned long *)0x1FF0F420),
*((unsigned long *)0x1FF0F424),
*((unsigned long *)0x1FF0F428) );

You're looking in the wrong manual
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Posted on July 14, 2015 at 22:23

RM0385 says


Data Sheets/Manuals might be wrong

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Associate II
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 00:19

Right! My bad!