2018-08-14 10:37 AM
I am trying to install STM-Studio, and during the installation process, it tells me that I need to install JRE version 7 or later. I've installed JRE 10, (If I wanted to install JRE 7 I had to go through the archive and it asked me to create and account with Oracle) but continue to get this message and cannot process with the installation. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
2018-12-06 5:02 AM
I,m having the same problem. I downloaded the jre x86 (32-bit) and installed it in my program files directory and set the path in the environment variables and stm studio still
doesn't install.
2018-12-20 7:22 AM
Having the same issue here, everything is properly installed and exported but stm studio does not recognize it
I made it work with two actions, not sure what was the correct one (probably redundant):
1) add to path C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\jre\bin (or your personal path) since I had only the jdk bin into path
2) click on jre.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_181 and this will update and install another jre
then restart.
2022-05-27 1:49 PM
I know it has been long since question is asked. If anybody still having trouble with this error, try installing JavaSE 8. By 2022, i tried JavaSe 17 and 18 but both got recognize error. After installing javase 8, i got directly no trouble through installation. You even don't need to restart PC.
2023-03-28 7:15 PM
thank you . It was helpful
2024-04-29 1:43 PM
When you click the oracle link that program says it's link for java development kit (jdk) and you are probably downloading this program. But you need to download java runtime environment (jre). To download jre: https://www.java.com/en/
Just click that download button and when download finished restart your pc.