2020-10-03 4:31 PM
I am using stm 32 nucleo f446ZE LQFP 144, MATLAB 2020a, StmcubeMX 5.6.0, Keil V5.31.0.0. STM MAT TARGET rev 2.5. I am using stm32 demos>External mode> nucleo f446ze example(as I am also using stm32 Nucleo f446ze board). I followed the stm mat target pdf/handson script as well. So When I am Starting "build start and run" from SIMULINK, Build is succesful but after that I am having error"Launcher:startApplication(): error with getApplicationExecutable()" and the main.c file of Keil has showing missing "#include "F446ZE_external_mode.h". I tried so many things, (In settings I am using USART3 PD8 and PD9 pins as they are default for 144 pins MCU). But still I am unable to identify what is the cause of the error. Please help me in this regard. Just a thought - I am using keil V5.31.0.0 and in the pop of the simulink settings the version of keil is V5.27, Is this thing making an issue? I am using the correct COM Port, with correct baud rate of USART3.
2021-01-07 8:50 AM
I’m having the exact same problem, did you find any solution?