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Hi, I am also new to stm32 micro controllers. I am trying to use UART2 of my microcontroller which is not default(It is not connected with the ST-Link, hence no virtual COM PORT), I am using a USB to TTL connector(TX,RX and GND) for this, I am taking...
Hello,I am using stm 32 nucleo f446ZE LQFP 144, MATLAB 2020a, StmcubeMX 5.6.0, Keil V5.31.0.0. STM MAT TARGET rev 2.5. I am using stm32 demos>External mode> nucleo f446ze example(as I am also using stm32 Nucleo f446ze board). I followed the stm mat ...
 I am using stm32 F746ZG Nucleo LQFP 144. I am using stm32 MAT-TARGET to generate c code from my simulink model.I have read in the provided pdf by the Stm MAT-TARGET that stmcubeide is not well supported by this. So I am using Keil V5. Now after gene...
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