2024-05-07 4:10 AM
firstly we connect stlink v2 debugger to the cube programmer later it connect and i get the blue led that show the connection ..after i make all the thing on stm32cube ide and debug according to the video of PHILL LAB after that neither program upload nor it connect to the programmer.
cube programmer show stlink not connected where as it show accurate voltage.
2024-05-07 4:49 AM
Not clear what you're working with identify the board and show the wiring diagram.
2024-05-07 5:14 AM
I have an stm32f405 fitted on the 64 pin breakout board till yesterday the board was connected succesfully with this procedure but today when i try to upload a code on my stm32 using stm cube after building it ask me about the debugger setting i did as same as the philips lab video suddenly after that my stm disconnected from the computer now its not connecting in cube programmer neither in cube ide
2024-05-07 5:15 AM
its like something changed just after the uploading of code using cube ide before that its perfectly fine connecting to pc as well.
2024-05-07 5:31 AM
2024-05-07 5:50 PM
Change mode to connect under reset
It's going to be hard to enter the System Loader with BOOT0 tied to ground. Perhaps you can lift the pin and pull it high and see if it connects then.
Check you see 1.25V on the VCAP pins
2024-05-07 10:58 PM
I have change the mode under reset not work.
I left the boot0 floating not ground or vcc is connected my mistake
yeah the vcap is not giving me 1.25v as it gives before what this problem point at?
2024-05-07 11:34 PM
Primary your STLINK is china clone, RST pin is for STM8 not STM32, for correct under reset require hw change inside. Unconnect RST from prog and test Normal mode connect.
Secondary when you load code into MCU, that set SWD pins to use or any low power stop mode , this block connection in normal mode...
2024-05-07 11:47 PM
the vcap problem is solved my wire got disconnected from the board now showing 1.265v at both and all vcc is also receiving 3.29v now as u said i have changed the setting this appears.
2024-05-07 11:56 PM
Latest programmer versions block china clones, try upgrade firmaware in stlink or use older stlink utility.
Connect to STlink only 3 wires GND CLK IO