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ST, please improve learning materials.

Associate II


I’d like to offer ST some advice in there educational materials. I’d be willing to work with ST to improve such things if asked.

If I’m not mistaken, I think this video is out of date:

I find it confusing to watch a video explaining a previous version of Cube, because the tabs, buttons etc. don’t match up. I think a vendor should keep instructional videos and documentation up to date.

I find that much of ST’s videos are narrated by people with strong non-English accents and/or are very soft spoken.  I find it a struggle and frustrating to follow along. Like the following…

I’ve found that technical instruction authored by teachers – read and are presented like teachers teach. They start with something that the student knows and go step by step. However, instruction from programmers or engineers – read and are presented like programmers and engineers talk, everything is at the same level of difficulty and complicated subjects are randomly spaces with simple ones. In other words, there is little in the way of structure. 

I find the instructional work done by TI and a company called Mind Share Advantage. To be very well produced.

I would suggest to ST to review them. 

Regards, George 

ST Employee

Hello @gdori.1​ ,

Thank you for taking the time to post your feedback in the Community!

We have an ongoing internal initiative aimed at improving the quality and quantity of learning material for ST products.

I have, nonetheless, passed your feedback along to the team in charge of this initiative.



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