2016-05-23 10:33 PM
Hi all,
We can't seem to program any memory in the OTP memory range on the F7 series (STM32F746VG
).We are trying to program in the address range of 0x1FF0F000 onwards.
When we do we get an error ''Error occured during memory writing!''.I have contacted ST support with no response in 2 weeks, is that normal?In the past we have also had a bug like this which ST ended up confirming was in their current software. We had to use an old version of the software until they fixed it as a workaround. That was on the F4 range. Now we can't find any working version for programming OTP in the F7 range.I've tried ST-Link Utility V3.5, V3.8 and V3.9 all with the same problem, as well as several physical chips and different programmers, all with the latest firmware.Would be very interested to know if anyone else is having similar problems or can program it OK?2016-05-24 4:06 AM
Hi ltay,
I will check this internally and come back to you. -Hannibal-2016-05-26 4:14 PM
Hi Hannibal,
Any news on this?Cheers.2016-05-26 4:51 PM
May be there are ways to solve your programming issues without relying on ST?
The current versions of ST-LINK support external loaders and code to write OTP can be achieved in a number of ways.2016-05-26 7:18 PM
Hi Clive,
Do you know of any references to achieving OTP programming through that method? I can't find any info yet. We don't have any external flash though so I have never looked into that functionality. I thought it was just for programming external flash.2016-05-26 8:24 PM
Update: ST have confirmed it's a bug and they will fix it in the next revision. No workaround as of yet. Very interested in your external loader idea Clive if you have any more info to share?
2016-05-26 10:31 PM
There is a workable solution! A binary file can be downloaded directly to the OTP memory OK. So for now we will generate a binary file for each board that's programmed with the required OTP values and download it to the OTP memory location.
They should have fixed CLI programming and manual editing in the next rev of software.2016-05-27 2:03 AM
Hi ltay,
Yes, I confirm. You will be notified by the FAE or from here once a new release is done. -Hannibal-