2015-12-31 7:35 PM
I want to design a pump station with 12 channels, each channel drive by a stepper motor. And the system, I plan to use STM32F205+L6470, but some issues need help.
1. Can
drive 12pcs
L6470 by SPI interface with daisy chain?
2. The CK, CS, SDO, SDI
drive capability is enough? If not enough, how to solve? #the-stm32f205-spi-interface-can-drive-12pcs-l647* #the-stm32f205-spi-interface-can-drive-12pcs2017-01-03 2:29 AM
I have moved your post to
forum where product-related queries are asked.Happy new year
2017-01-05 1:41 AM
Hi Oliver Beirne,
Thanks a lot.
But no one reply my question till now, do you know any ST engineer on line? I want to ask them directly, cause my time is tight. The project is started.
Looking forward to you reply.
Happy new year.
Best regards.
2017-01-05 6:56 AM
Sure thing,
Please could you help out here or know someone that can?
2017-01-05 8:52 AM
Hello Oliver ,
You should move this post in
there is a nice reactivity and bigger community.
We take care SPC5 MCUs (Based on PowerPC Core)
Best regards
2017-01-05 8:55 AM
Hi Erwan
Can you refresh and check if you have moderator rights please? You should be able to move the post now.
2017-01-06 12:44 AM
Hello Can Chen ,
i have moved this post in STM32 MCUs Forum
, Admin rights issue issolved,Thank you for your support.
Best regards
2017-01-06 2:22 AM
I can try to answer.
1. Yes, it looks like you can create a string of 12 spi devices. The L6470 supports daisy chained mode. In the master you would have to perform multiple writes during one CS session to daisy chain, depending on the amount of data you want to write. I'd suggest you put on some bypass jumpers during software development.
You could perhaps split the chain in 2x6 or 3x3. Your choice.
2. I can't find maximum capacitive load for IO pins in the datasheet. But a few of those small SC-88 configurable gates are cheap to scatter around if you encounter problems. Be aware of additional delays.