2018-01-22 11:31 AM
Hello everybody!
I want to make a simple VoIP client handling SIP and RTP protocols. It needs to be very simple (connect to the VoIP server, make a call, pick up a call, end call), fast and reliable. I'm wondering if there are some solutions that could help me to make this? (Simple example would be great
) My first idea was to make own poject to handle SIP and RTP stack, but i think it would take a lot of time to finish.#sip #voip #rtp #phone2018-01-23 1:03 AM
If you want 'simple', surely a Raspberry Pi would be more appropriate here?
Developing this on a microcontroller is not going to be 'simple'
2019-01-15 11:29 PM
Hi Juliusz,
You might be interested in our VoIP solution.
Please take a look into the demo video.
2019-06-07 1:28 AM
Hello @Juliusz Bojarczuk , I'm trying to make the same thing.
Did you succeded in making your project?
Thank you,
2022-04-28 7:14 AM
Hello @Juliusz Bojarczuk @Community member ,
would like to start a similar project as you, an implementation of a SIP client on a STM32H753 with RTX. There are many libraries for e.g. Linux systems, but I could not find an implementation directly on the controller or on a RTOS like RTX so far. Were you successful with your projects? If yes, which library did you use or did you implement the SIP client yourself?
Many greetings
2022-04-28 8:34 AM
Given that there was no reply to the same question 3 years ago, it seems unlikely that any will be forthcoming now ... ?
"There are many libraries for e.g. Linux systems"
So, again, wouldn't a Raspberry Pi be more appropriate here?
2022-04-28 11:12 PM
Thank you for your reply. Yes you are right of course that a Raspberry Pi would be much easier here, however there is an existing project with a STM32H7 which should only be extended with appropriate functionality. I don't have time at the moment to port the whole project to a Linux base, hence this approach.
Why do you think that after 3 years there is no one who could have implemented this ?
2022-04-29 2:02 AM
I didn't say there'd be nobody - just that it's unlikely that the people you mentioned from 3 years ago are going to reply.
Also, you've posted in a thread about a different processor.
2022-04-29 4:40 AM
Well, so often VoIP clients have not been realised with Cortex-M, but last year a developer published his idea: Developing SIP Phone with GUI on STM32 MCU
Maybe that's an interesting approach?
2022-04-29 8:18 AM
and that one is on an STM32F7
Even in the optimised version shown there, it's using 300K RAM - so that wouldn't have fitted on the STM32L475.
The biggest STM32L4 has 320K RAM - so even that would've been a bit tight.