2011-08-10 8:15 AM
Hi STM32 users,
I need a serial terminal able to 1. Send file using ymodem file transfer protocol 2. Send hex (not ascii) text format I was using hyperterminal but it can't send hex format. I have found hercules but it doesn't support the ymodem protocol. Is there a tool that supports both ymodem and hex transfer.MCU Lüfter2011-08-10 8:34 AM
''Send hex (not ascii) text format''
What, exactly, do you mean by that? Do you mean the ability to send the non-printing codes (values 0x00-0x1F) and/or the ''extended'' codes above 0x7F ?
2011-08-10 8:45 AM
Hi neil,
I want to send the following bitstream: 1122AABBCCDDEEFF In hercule I did it as in attachement (look at attachment). ________________ Attachments : hercules_send_hex_string.bmp : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0uS&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bgg%2F36AFe7PCfv.wlOfDFAc9u07jCHJxQpDor655ng7QhWI&asPdf=false2011-08-10 8:53 AM
2011-08-10 8:58 AM
TeraTerm with its script language is quite useful for this kind of thing. It supports y-modem.
2011-08-10 9:14 AM
Also have a look at Docklight.
2011-08-11 2:00 AM
Hi Trevor,
Thank you for your proosal. Now I resolved my problem with teraterm using scripts: To send the hex string: Send $11 $22 $33 $44 $55 $66 $77 $C9 $E4 $D4 $54 $B7 $62 $9F $35 $2A To send the file over ymodem: ymodemsend srcfile If there is another tool who can manage the transfer by simple GUI. It will more more helpful. Thanks again.MCU Lüfter