2018-12-04 6:57 AM
Hi everyone,
I would like to receive some advice whind kind of MC I can use to realize my flat screen detector in the easiest way.
Thatfor I need the following things:
at least 8 I/O (more would be preferable)
1 Mux
1 Demux
1 ADC (8bit are suficient)
1 shift register
maybe something to be able to process the outcoming signal on a LCD Panel or something familiar
I would be glad if someone could give me some advice
2018-12-04 1:13 PM
What is "flat screen detector"?
2018-12-04 1:27 PM
Perhaps sensing flicker, or tablet/phone use in a theater?
Idea/Requirement poorly expressed.
Mux/Demux of what?
Shift Register? Couple in SPI, USART, USB, ETHERNET?
For school projects, talk to your teacher or project supervisor, really their role to oversee/support.
2018-12-05 1:36 AM
Hi I'm sorry for the incomplete Information.
For a project in university I should build a 'Flat panel Imager' to measure x rays or other radiations depending on wave length of the light. ( Measuring it with a Photodiode).
Therefor a 4x4 Matrix of Photo diode should be triggered over Thin film transistors. with four outputs of µController I wanted to set that one of the 4 rows is readout and with the readout of one of the of Data columns. I have a attached a Image for that (Image 2).
After that the data should be saved in a integrator (OP), the reset should be done with an output of the MCU. Before reseting the data should be processed with a ADC and shiftet to a serial signal. The serial signal should be displayed then. (maybe an LCD panel or something)
Thatfor I want to know is there any discoveryboard with some of the wanted parts already connected? If not what would be a appropriate?
For the background
Image 1
Image 2:
2018-12-05 5:26 PM
Without any particular requirement eg. for speed, any STM32 would probably fulfill these requirements.
Diplaying on LCD is probably best done on a higher-end STM32, such as the 'F429 or 'F746. On the other hand, if you chose a LCD with controller with moderate pixel size and don't want any fancy high speed operation, any mid-range mcu would do.