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RTC date update - Problem with VBAT / Low Power Mode

Associate II

Hi all,

I searched the forum for my specific problem, but i did not find any solution for this weird occurrence. On my STM32F103 i run the RTC, which is working fine, as long as it is connected to the USB power. I store the date on 2 backup registers, which get updated when the date is changed and get read, when the MCU starts. When I set the time for testing purposes to e.g. 23:55, pull out the stm32 board from the main power supply, so that it is powered by VBAT, the date seem to be successfully incremented at 00:00. I check that, by debugging the board a few minutes later. The time works fine in any case. It is just the date that causes problems.

The weird problem, that occurs is the following:

When I power off the board and leave it connected to VBAT overnight, or even multiple days, the date value is not incremented at all. How can it be possible, that 5 minutes in low power mode, triggers a date storage in the backup register, while a full day doesn't?

I'm using the cube IDE with the standard RTC HAL. I tried 2 solutions to extend the RTC code to store the date in the backup register:

  1. Write the backup register in "stm32f1xx_hal_rtc.c"@"RTC_DateUpdate". Each time the date is updated, this function is called. I just added the code to store the date and it worked.
  2. I enabled the interrupt for seconds (HAL_RTCEx_RTCEventCallback) and put some conditionals in it, so that the date is always stored, when it updates.

Both derivatives do not work with VBAT connected a longer time (e.g. a day). Please note, that for my purposes, i assume i cannot set the stm32 in the low power mode manually, because it is a "usb stick", that should be unpluggable on demand. Or can I?

Is it possible, that the code in the callback function (2.) is not executed?

I really appreciate any hint or explanation.

Thanks in advance!

Associate II

The code, that currently runs:

void init_rtc_time(RTC_HandleTypeDef * hrtc)
       __HAL_RCC_BKP_CLK_ENABLE(); //turn on the backup area clock
       __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); //turn on the power clock
       hrtc->Instance = RTC;
       hrtc->Init.AsynchPrediv = RTC_AUTO_1_SECOND;
       hrtc->Init.OutPut = RTC_OUTPUTSOURCE_NONE;
       if (HAL_RTC_Init(hrtc) != HAL_OK)
       RTC_DateTypeDef DateToUpdate = {0};
       // Get date values from 16 bit Backup register RTC_BKP_DR3 and RTC_BKP_DR4
         uint32_t weekday_and_month_r = HAL_RTCEx_BKUPRead(hrtc, RTC_BKP_DR3);
         uint32_t day_and_year_r = HAL_RTCEx_BKUPRead(hrtc, RTC_BKP_DR4);
         memcpy(&DateToUpdate.WeekDay, &weekday_and_month_r, 2U );
         memcpy(&DateToUpdate.Date, &day_and_year_r, 2U );
         if (HAL_RTC_SetDate(hrtc, &DateToUpdate, RTC_FORMAT_BIN) != HAL_OK)
         __HAL_RTC_SECOND_ENABLE_IT(hrtc,RTC_IT_SEC); //turn on RTC clock seconds interrupt
          RTC_TimeTypeDef time = {0};
          HAL_RTC_GetTime(&time_utils_hrtc, &time, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
 * Save the date at 00:00:01 and and 00:00:05
 * Gets called in second interrupt routine HAL_RTCEx_RTCEventCallback
void date_backup_routine()
       RTC_TimeTypeDef time = {0};
       HAL_RTC_GetTime(&time_utils_hrtc, &time, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
       if( time.Hours == 0 && time.Minutes == 0 && ( time.Seconds == 1 || time.Seconds == 5 )) // save date twice (@ 00:01 and 00:02)
          RTC_DateTypeDef date = {0};
          HAL_RTC_GetDate(&time_utils_hrtc, &date, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
             //Store in 16 bit Backup register
          u32 weekday_and_month;
          u32 day_and_year;
          HAL_RTCEx_BKUPWrite(&time_utils_hrtc, RTC_BKP_DR3, weekday_and_month);
          HAL_RTCEx_BKUPWrite(&time_utils_hrtc, RTC_BKP_DR4, day_and_year);

Why don't you drop the"library"and simply run RTC add second counter from some chosen epoch, maybe even using the standard functions prototyped in <time.h> ?


Associate II

Good idea, but it looks like, that the interrupt function is not even executed, when the power is off and battery is connected. Do i have to configure that somewhere?

When power is off, processor can't run interrupts, because, well, there's no power...


Associate II

Yes, but there is a lower power mode, that may allow interrupts, isn't there?

Yes but that would need you have some battery connected to VDD.

VBAT pin can't power the processor itself.


Associate II

Ok, so The f103 does not properly support time, only time without date. Or is there another way to let the date increase?

> Or is there another way to let the date increase?

Yes. See my first reply.