2020-10-21 1:01 PM
On page 894 the paragraph just above Table 224 says:
Table 224 gives
the 8 available options per timer: CMPx refers to blanking from counter reset to compare
match, Tx2 refers to the timing unit TIMx output 2 waveform defined with HRTIM_SETx2
and HRTIM_RSTx2 registers. For instance, timer B (TIMFLTR6) is timer C output 2
If you look at the Destination, Timer B row, there is a "-" under timer C output 2 (TD2) column.
Timer C output 2 (TD2) appears to connect to Timer D (TIMFLTR6).
Timer B (TIMFLTR6) is Timer F CMP2.
Is the text above the table incorrect or is Table 224 incorrect?
Thank you.
2020-10-23 5:59 AM
The table is correct.
I raised internally your feedback to correct the error in next release.
Thank you.