2016-06-16 7:54 PM
I've noticed from STM32CubeMX V4.15.1, when I choose other timers except system tick timer as timebase source. The macro 'TICK_INT_PRIORITY' is defined as 0 (highest). And I can't figure out how to change it. But when use systick timer, the priority can be changed in the NVIC wizard.
Before 4.15.1, it's default to 15.Why?? #timebase #systick2016-06-17 5:21 AM
Hi diverger,
I have made a quick test on the STM32CubeMx 4.15.1 , I select a timer as time base source, I open the NVIC Configuration and everything goes fine ; By default, subpriority is 0 I can select the pre-emption priority from 0 to 7. To modify the sub priority form 0 to 1/2/3/4 , you should change the ''priority group'' on the top and select one of the 5 alternatives depending of the number of subpriotity and pre-emption priority that you would select. -Hannibal-