2018-08-17 4:13 AM
Sir I want know that whether the boot loader code is already present in the STM32 MCUs by default ? or we have to download it.
Manoj Hiwarkar
2018-08-17 8:35 AM
It is in OTP/ROM at delivery
2018-08-17 10:58 PM
Hello Manoj,
Bootloader is in the system memory of MCU. by default MCU doesnot execute it. you have to configure the boot pins given.
2018-08-20 5:09 AM
thank you sir. Sir one more query i have can you please tell me howto send one string "HELLO". using HAL_CAN_Transmit function i have searched a lot but couldn't get a satisfied answer.
2018-08-20 5:32 AM
That's not really how CAN functions. You have an 8-byte data payload, you'd need to place your ASCII data within that.
2018-08-20 6:18 AM
sir can i get one example program of the same ? it will be a great help.
2018-08-20 6:30 AM
Look at the examples provided in the HAL/Cube trees for the unspecified STM32 part you are using.
/* Set the data to be transmitted */
TxData[0] = 'H';
TxData[1] = 'E';
TxData[2] = 'L';
TxData[3] = 'L';
TxData[4] = 'O';
TxHeader.DLC = 5; // Length
/* Start the Transmission process */
if (HAL_CAN_AddTxMessage(&CanHandle, &TxHeader, TxData, &TxMailbox) != HAL_OK)
/* Transmission request Error */