2018-04-26 12:53 PM
Can someone please verify whether or not this project in STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.10.0 builds without errors? I am trying to use TrueStudio 9.0.0 and only EWARM and MDK-ARM projects are provided. So, getting 'include paths' setup has been a challenge (e.g. missing header stm32l0xx_hal_hid.h).
Sorry about the previous long subject - first time user of this forum - wasn't clear on how to proceed.
Basically want to know if this 'cube' is defective or not. Have spent many hours trying to get a build.
The missing header noted above is a show stopper, as it does not exist anywhere in the cube or anywhere else in the universe that Google explores.
Has anyone else tried to use this project?
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Has anyone gotten a successful build using any IDE?
Has anyone even looked at this cube?
Installed EWARM and got a clean build (haven't yet tried to flash the discovery board).
Perhaps I can glean enough from the build log to get a TrueStudio project set up properly.
2018-04-26 1:47 PM
Please don't put the entire question in the summary, edit to fix.
What project? The demo? The apps?
2018-04-26 2:41 PM
Yes, but only if you triple the length of your subject line.
2018-04-26 3:57 PM
Examples are HAL rather than CubeMX.
I have one of these boards somewhere, will need to dig up.
I don't care for CubeMX, I tolerate aspects of HAL when I have to, or it is expeditious to do so. Some of the code is like cancer, I cut out the bad stuff when I see it, and refactor things when the underlying function is critical. The USART IRQ stuff doesn't suit me at all, I have some register level wrappers. Some people are in the can't use libraries camp, some are in the can't modify the library camp, I'm in the modify to suit camp.
When migrating to different IDE watch for command line defines hidden inside the project meta-data
2018-04-26 5:18 PM
Yes, STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.10.0\Projects\STM32L053C8-Discovery\Demonstrations
2018-04-26 5:42 PM
Grep'd files only '_hid.h' reference I found was usbd_hid.h
Builds in Keil
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 4 (build 422)', folder: 'C:\Keil523\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Build target 'STM32L0538-Discovery'compiling power.c...compiling stm32l0538_discovery_epd.c...compiling stm32l0538_discovery.c...compiling tsl_object.c...compiling tsl_filter.c...compiling tsl_time.c...compiling tsl_acq_tsc.c...compiling tsl_touchkey.c...compiling tsl.c...compiling tsl_ecs.c...compiling tsl_linrot.c...compiling tsl_globals.c...compiling tsl_dxs.c...compiling tsl_acq.c...compiling usbdapp.c...compiling usbd_conf.c...compiling usbd_desc.c...assembling startup_stm32l053xx.s...compiling gde021a1.c...compiling system_stm32l0xx.c...compiling main.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_msp.c...compiling tsl_user.c...compiling menu.c...compiling bsp.c...compiling stm32l0xx_it.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_rcc.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_pwr.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_pwr_ex.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_gpio.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_flash.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_rcc_ex.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_i2c.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_dma.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_tsc.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_i2c_ex.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_spi.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_cortex.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_pcd_ex.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_flash_ex.c...compiling stm32l0xx_hal_pcd.c...compiling usbd_hid.c...compiling usbd_core.c...compiling usbd_ctlreq.c...compiling usbd_ioreq.c...linking...Program Size: Code=25548 RO-data=7808 RW-data=3708 ZI-data=3796 'STM32L0538-Discovery\STM32L0538-Discovery.axf' - 0 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).Build Time Elapsed: 00:01:022018-04-27 1:47 AM
ok, thanks.
2018-04-27 1:56 AM
I did pick up these two,
USE_HAL_DRIVER,STM32L053xx, but missed
I haven't joined a camp yet.