2020-08-27 2:20 PM
Hello I am using the STM32F411E-Discovery board, selecting the HSE ceramic resonator, which is installed on the board as 8.000 Mhz Crystal, as clock source for a 1 sec interrupt with TIM2. I am using STM32CubeMx BUT INSTEAD OF HAVING 1 SECOND INTERRUPT, IT IS 5 OR 6 TIMES SLOWER, not sure why, with or without PLL. If I use the HSI +PLL everything works fine, but I would like to use the Crystal instead.
2020-08-27 2:23 PM
HSE_VALUE in stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h ??
2020-08-28 6:05 AM
Hello Clive, this is the value:
#define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */
2020-08-29 8:41 PM
Hello JVela.1
Check UM1842 section 4.10.1 OSC clock supply for solder bridge and resistor configuration.
Output your HSE frequency with MCO and see.